Acutonics is a non-invasive treatment similar to acupuncture without the needles. Precision calibrated tuning forks are placed on specific points to access the body's Meridian & Chakra energy systems. Energy blockages & stagnant energy are often associated with pain & disease. We use the frequency or vibration of sound to stimulate movement of energy where needed & to jump start the natural vibration of internal functions/organs, etc, which may be off its natural rhythm, or energetic flow.
ACUTONICS has been used effectively for:
Muscular Aches & Pains & Muscle Strains, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Migraines, Stress Reduction, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Fatigue, Hypertension, Chronic & Debilitating Conditions
REIKI - the movement of life force energy has been used for:
Stress Reduction, Fatigue, Insomnia, Pain Reduction, Releasing Tension, General Wellness, Relaxation
60 Min - $135
"Resounding Relaxation" is achieved in this beautiful, energy balancing, pain relieving, total body wellness package. You each will enjoy a 60 minute massage with hot stones PLUS an hour of bliss with our resident sound therapist who utilizes tuning forks, sound therapy bowls & reiki (the movement of energy within the body). Bring the body back into balance, clear energy blockages, calm the mind & facilitate deep healing.
For Two - 120 Min - $575
All Services are By Appointment Only. Please call (650) 863-3848 to book your appointment today.
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